How does Moff Gideon’s death – or at least disappearance, as well as the destruction of his base – affect the Shadow Council’s plans to take on the New Republic? […]
“The Return” capped off an … interesting, shall we say, season of The Mandalorian. Before we start critiquing, we’ll do our traditional 7-takeaway breakdown and see how the season ended […]
Gideon straight-up lied to Hux in the last episode of The Mandalorian about his activities with Dr. Pershing. So what is he REALLY up to? We’ll reflect on some of […]
The Mandalorian debuted the Shadow Council in live action, but it dates back to the aftermath of the Battle of Endor! Today, we’ll trace its history, and how its appearance […]
Who are “The Spies” in Mando Chapter 23? We could tell you, but then you’d have to kill us. The penultimate episode of season 3 is a whirlwind of surprises, […]
The “Guns for Hire” aren’t guns for hire by the time Chapter 22 of The Mandalorian is through! This episode wraps up two major storylines while also giving us some […]
Now that another member of the Ghost crew and Spectre cell of rebels has been introduced in live action, let’s refresh ourselves! Today, 7 fun facts capturing the big points […]
Another week, another whopper of a cameo in #TheMandalorian – but also, a major resolution, an even bigger role for Bo-Katan, and a leap into uncharted territory. Our breakdown of […]
#TheMandalorian season 3 has been as much about Bo-Katan as it is about Din and Grogu – maybe even more so! Today, we’ll examine her roller coaster S3 journey so […]
Season 3 of #TheMandalorian is shaping up much differently than the first two seasons had by their midpoints. We’re taking a look today at how things have shaken out so […]