It’s an Imperial day on this episode of Star Wars 7×7, as I dig deeper into the Rogue One Ultimate Visual Guide. Today, you’re going to get to hear about: […]
We’re more than halfway through the Rogue One Ultimate Visual Guide, and today we’re starting off with a look at Orson Krennic and Darth Vader. Particularly: What profession did Orson […]
So Bodhi Rook’s backstory and how he stole the Imperial cargo shuttle on Eadu with K-2SO to rescue his newly fellow Rebels, yes, but hang on a second. No spoilers, […]
Remember when a bald Saw Gerrera gives his monologue about “What will you do if they catch you? What will you do if they break you? If you continue to […]
Welcome back to part 7 in our series of deep dives into the Rogue One Ultimate Visual Guide! There’s a group of folks known only as the”Decrainiated,” who had everything […]
We’re heading back to our extended series of looks at the Rogue One Ultimate Visual Guide, starting off with some new details about Cassian Andor, and then digging into the […]
What’s the deal with Admiral Raddus? And more specifically, where is Admiral Ackbar in all of this? We see Ackbar directing the evacuation of the Yavin IV base in the […]
In today’s dive into the Rogue One Ultimate Visual Guide, I’m talking about the details on Mon Mothma’s entry, and how they relate to tonight’s episode of Star Wars Rebels, […]
Today, in part three of our deep dive into the Rogue One Ultimate Visual Guide, we’re talking about X-wings, U-wings, and Yavin IV. You’ll get to hear about how the […]
In our last day of coverage on Star Wars Year by Year: A Visual History (Updated and Expanded Edition), we’re looking at the “Clone Wars and Beyond” period (206-2012) and […]